*In the name of God*  | | Profile : Name & Family name : Shahed Mohammad Nejad * (Son of the grand full professor Dr. Shahram Mohammad Nejad) Birthplace : 1367/10/27 – Japan Date of birth & * Education : * senior Student of Petroleum Engineering (Excavation) – Azad University – Science & Research Branch Contact : Email : shahed.m.nejad@gmail.com Tell : 09195368203 - 09357319540 |
*Work Experience* * Internal Manager of the Nanoptronics Research Center , Iran University of Science & Technology for two years. (1387-1389) * Supervisor of the students to prepare them for Konkoor Examination at Kanoon Farhangi Amoozesh for three month. * Administrator of the website of Electronical Engineering School of Iran University of Science & Technology for until now. *Technical Skills* * software : Matlab & Hysis (Elementary Level). * Language : English (Intermadiate Level). * Computer : ICDL Certificate. * Trained in HSE Feild in Petrochemical. *Honors* * Promotion of the website of Electrical Engineering School of Iran University of Science & Technology from rank 19 to 3 in the periodical Evaluation of the IUST's websites. |