The term Nanoptronics is a combination of Nano, Optic, Quantum and Electronics. In fact, this term encompasses three scientific branches and four technology fields.
Introduction: Recent attention given to scientific and human developed requirements, national perspective, medium to long term period programs, electronic specific sciences, and the necessity of interscience fields creation made it all the more necessary to establish this center. The Nanoptronics Research Center was established in IUST’s School of Electrical Engineering under the supervision of specialists. In accordance to guidance lines and the country’s research necessities, the Nanoptronics Research Center contains the following laboratories:
• Nano Technology Applied Lab. • Instrumentation, Optoelectronic, Laser and Optics Research Lab. • Quantronics Applied Lab. • Microelectronic Lab. • Sample Devices Confirmation, Subsystem and Optical systems Lab.
Further, the Nanoptronics Research Center Designs, composed of more than 200 industrial-research projects has been published in two book volumes.
History of nanoptronics center: The Nanoptronics Research Center was established by Professor Shahram Mohammad Nejad in 1997, about the same time the Optoelectronics and Laser labs were founded. The Optoelectronics and Laser labs were primarily established in IUST’s Electronic Research Center, and were later relocated to the number two building of the Electrical Engineering faculty. Initially, activities of the Optoelectronics and Laser labs focused on detectors and semiconductor lasers and related semi-industrial projects, and later, with strong efforts by the head of research center and industrial managers, lab activities rapidly advanced into the fields of quantum, photonic crystals and nanoelectronics. The Nanoptronics Research Center was established in 2007 by Professor Mohammad Nejad and continued to develop with further advanced activities. This center has approximately 20 researchers who work massively on industrial research projects. Industry supported activities resulted in this research center’s facilities. Over forty Ph.D. and M.Sc. students have graduated since 1997 from this center, and more than 200 articles and 10 books have been published by this center. |